Summer in Umbria

The Summer in Umbria lives essentially in two major events of international importance, now known all over the world: The “Festival dei due Mondi” (Festival of Two Worlds) in Spoleto and Umbria Jazz Festival in Perugia.
The “Festival dei due Mondi” (from the end of June to the begin of July) was born in the middle of the last century to combine three different cultures: Italian, American and European.
It is one of the most prestigious events and offers shows, dance exhibitions, opera plays and concerts involving the major italian and foreign artists. It also attracts an audience of visitors and critical experts from various areas of the show business.
Umbria Jazz Festival in Perugia (usually during the middle of July) is one of the most important events in the world of Jazz music.
The city of Perugia, very sensitive to musical activities, hosts, however, the music conservatory just in the heart of the city. There, young people learn the use of various musical instruments, they are educated to the musical culture and stimulated in their sensitivity.
In the medieval village of Corciano, a few kilometers from Perugia, the “Agosto Corcianese” (Corciano’s August) is a typical manifestation based on visual arts, music, theater, poetry, cultural encounters and especially the beautiful historical re-enactments.
In Perugia, in the month of September, the “Sagra Musicale Umbra” is one of the most prestigious cultural events. It consists of numerous concerts of sacred music held by famous orchestra conductors, in the setting of beautiful churches and medieval buildings for an event of a unique artistic sensibility.
Throughout the Spring and Summer many small and charming villages of Umbria dress up and open to visitors their workshops and taverns where one prepares the traditional foods of the place. After they organize dances to celebrate the summer. These are the “Sagre” (popular feasts) of Umbria.